In today’s episode, recorded live from our hotel room in Manila, Julie (my girlfriend and personal time strategist) and I are joined by our VA – Rose Fernandez. We discuss how to get started with outsourcing, how to buy time (but not waste money), and how to build an effective, long-lasting virtual team!
What happens in Manila gets broadcasted to the world!
As the final leg of our visit to the Philippines draws to a close, Rose shares some of her experiences of being a virtual employee for several years now, and we discuss common pitfalls and shortcomings that virtual employers (i.e. Entrepreneurs like you and me!) face.

We get into the nitty gritty details on the merits of having a VA, why virtual employment is getting more and more popular, what makes Filipinos great for the job and the right reasons and time to get started with building your virtual team.
Virtual Connection
What does it really take to establish a good relationship with one and create a symbiotic relationship that is essential for a business to work? How does one trust someone who is practically thousands of miles away with confidential details regarding one’s business? How can one get a great virtual staff and maintain a long-lasting relationship with?
Like most online entrepreneurs, outsourcing has become a necessity especially when one doesn’t want to get stressed working more than 40 hours a week in keeping the business going. Outsourcing is easy and for the most part — convenient. However, there are things one should consider before getting your first VA — and to be honest, those things are more about YOU than they are about the VA!
Understanding what VAs are capable of doing and what they can contribute to the business is one great factor to consider. Before acquiring a VA, one must realize that these are people too, and they need training in order to best assist you and eliminate the chance of wasting time and resources. Taking time to get to know your VA is important to establish a strong and loyal foundation that creates a lasting relationship even if you’re living at the opposite side of the world.
Tune in to today’s podcast episode and learn the other side of the virtual outsourcing and discover ways to get your own and make a lasting relationship with your VA.
*The Google Hangout will be on Wednesday, March 26 at 2PM EST. For those who want to join, just email me at [email protected].
Items mentioned:
- Tropical Think Tank 2014 Google Hangout
- Chris Ducker’s 3 Lists To Freedom
- Julie Sheranosher
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: @ImJuliesTweets
- Noah Kagan
- Tropical Think Tank 2014
- Amy Porterfield
- Natalie Sisson
- Greg Hickman
- Pat Flynn
- John Lee Dumas
- Gideon Shalwick
- Caleb Wojcik
- Chris Ducker
- Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business by Chris Ducker
Outsourcing Platforms:
Tools and Software:
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[spoiler title=”Episode 050″]Still in progress, please come back later![/spoiler]
Another fantastic and helpful show! It was great to get additional insight from Rose and Julie about how to add a VA and make them part of your business team, but more importantly, you all reminded us (well, me for certain) WHY working with a team is more productive.
Thanks! I wish I could attend the Hangout, but I have a class at that time, and can’t reschedule my students. (If only a VA could run my class for me….THAT is one of my real pains!)
We will hangout one-on-one on Tuesday! 🙂
I’ve listened to a lot of podcasts about VAs and was convinced that they would be helpful but this was the first time that I really got a clear idea about what it was really like. It was so helpful to hear your Rose’s voice and opinion. Loved this episode.
And you’ve made my day 🙂 What was the one thing that resonated with you the most, Rachel?
It was the behind the scenes look. Instead of someone saying this is how to do it, this is what can be done, Rose was showing what it looked like from her perspective. I felt like I got a better grasp of what it actually looked like. I also had heard that you have to have someone full-time to really make it work but it sounded like you can do it part-time in the beginning. I could use someone part-time.
You can start with 4 hours a week, then grow to 7, then to 11, etc. It’s entrepreneurship – you get to create your own plan according to what works for you, and what’s available to you! 🙂