Everybody knows that “build it and they will come” doesn’t really work. And thus, for the last few years, every entrepreneurship podcast worth its salt has discussed ways to get “them” to come.
On today’s episode we discussed an exciting way to quickly build your credibility, reach, and most important — bottom line: speaking engagements.
As you’ll see today, speaking engagements create the perfect opportunity for you to be seen as the expert, deliver value, solve problems — and get paid for it.
Business Building Strategies We Discuss In Today’s Episode Include:
- How to use speaking engagements to deliver value, help your audience, AND make sales
- How to create your speaking engagement opportunities
- How to become a speaker at the conferences that matter the most to your audience
- How to pitch yourself as a speaker, and more important — how to follow up!
- How to steer clear of the “friend zone” when speaking, and maintaining a professional presentation… without boring people out their minds!
- How to sell from stage without being a douchebag
Today’s Guest

Today’s guest is Joleene Moody, an expert in breaking into the world of paid speaking and entrepreneurship. For a former TV reporter and anchor, she turned into a transformational speaker, a business coach and an author.
Her expertise are: how to convert the room to high-paying clients, how to generate sales and profits through speaking engagements, how to create your own speaking engagement opportunities, and how to become a better closer.
In today’s episode Joleene shares her journey from TV anchor — bored out of her mind and feeling she’s not serving her purpose — to a purpose-driven entrepreneur bringing change to the world and helping others create the freedom they always crave for.
From Sedentary To Extraordinary
Joleene’s journey from sedentary to extraordinary wasn’t easy (and in today’s episode she shares many of the struggles that she faced, as long as documented them in her book, Memoirs of Normalcy: Journey from Sedentary to Extraordinary).
While many people think that being a TV anchor is an incredibly exciting job, in reality, according to Joleene, things could not be more different. Worst of all, Joleene felt she’s not living up to her calling and potential. She didn’t have the fulfilling life she wanted, nor the freedom she craved for.
First Time On Stage
While Joleene had many opportunities to be on stage in her previous career, in all sorts of professional conferences and gatherings, the first time she was on stage as an entrepreneur was truly memorable. Unfortunately, it was memorable due to how bad it went.
A few hours before her first-ever speaking gig as an inspirational coach, Joleene pass a kidney stone. “I couldn’t even make it to my first speaking gig. I thought I blew up my speaking career even before it started!”
Today, Joleene has been a speaker for over five years, and the first three of those were not easy. The only way she made it work was to carry on, show up and do the work.
I felt the same about my first business engagements (whether it was speaking gigs, webinars, or creating my own video course): things don’t go that well the first time (and thank God I didn’t pass any kidney stones!).
Reflecting on all guests on the show so far, it truly happens to everyone. The one thing separating the successful from the unsuccessful is showing up again the next day.
Creating Your Own Speaking Opportunities (And Making Money On Stage)
In today’s episode, Joleene outlines several ways you could create your own speaking opportunities right now. These include:
- Retreats
- Speaking at conferences
- Speaking at networking group/events
- Hosting a live webinar
- Hosting a live teleseminar
- Etc.
For one of her first retreats, she simply picked a date and contacted personally the people she thought would make a good target audience. She charged a few tens of dollars just to cover Facebook ads, renting the place for the day and food/beverages.
She kept the event at 15 people, and most of her expenses were covered by the Signup fees. She ended up selling in services and products throughout her retreat and making 5-figure profit from sales of products and services throughout and as a result of that day.
That’s why Joleene challenges every listener of the show to open the calendar, pick a date three weeks from now and just invite a couple of people that would be interested to learn about your services.
If people show up to the event, she explains, they have a problem that they think you can solve. It’s your responsibility to show them how you can solve their problems. Sure, you might feel awkward about taking their money, so focus on the serving instead of on the selling.
Would you accept the challenge? Comment below and let me know!
Podcast Starter Kit
As mentioned in today’s episode, I’m really excited to announce my new free course: The Podcast Starter Kit.
The Podcast Starter Kit is a 7-day video course that will take you from knowing nothing about podcasts, to planning, recording and launching your successful podcast show, ranking in the top of Apple New & Noteworthy ranking, building your list, your brand, and your authority in whatever niche you’re in.
Click here to get immediate access to the Podcast Starter Kit.
Mentioned Resources
- Joleene’s website, JoleeneSpeaks, Twitter (@JoleeneSpeaks), Facebook, LinkedIn
- Her books: Memoirs of Normalcy: Journey from Sedentary to Extraordinary and Twenty-Six (coming soon)
- Taki Moore
- Podcast Starter Kit
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