How can you start a nutrition supplements company at the age of 25, and bring in over $100,000 in sales within just a couple of months?(?!)
That’s what we’re answering on today’s episode, where we are joined by Ben Hebert; a young entrepreneur with a wealth of lessons and wisdom to share that are truly inspiring.
Learning By DOING
While getting his college education, Ben became an intern at GiftCardRescue.com, an online business where he was doing SEO, blog writing and many other operational activities, mainly focusing on marketing. The company was growing rapidly and he was offered to become the start-up’s first full-time employee.

He eventually left the company in search of something he wanted to do and that will give him the freedom he always wanted in life that no corporate job can give. All of the things he learned combined with his passion to music, and inspired him to create his next business venture:
With the Electronic Dance Music (or EDM) trend going strong in the US a couple of years ago, he capitalized on it and created something that was close to his passion that gave birth to WhiteRaverRafting.com, which has now become one of the leading dance music websites in North America.
However successful WhiteRaverRafting.com is, he knew that the Electronic Music trend will eventually wear off – and he wanted something more stable… something more substantial.
Going Natural
“People want to buy from a company they can trust.”

Born out of an idea like anything else, and inspired by a friend/client who knew a lot about the nutritional supplement world, Ben decided to navigate the world of supplements and came up with Natural Stacks.
Unlike other shady nutritional supplement companies, Natural Stacks is a company that has information supported by science, has good manufacturing practices and 100% FDA-compliant.
How did he do it? How did his product get Tim Ferriss excited? How did they go from zero to $100,000 sales in just two months? Tune in to today’s interview to find out!
Be Inspired To Be The Best
With tons of business wisdom, lessons learned and an entrepreneurial journey that is truly inspiring, this week’s episode is certifiably jam-packed. Tune in and learn more from Ben and his story from Inspiring Innovation Podcast — your weekly backstage to success.
Leave a comment below and let us know what you thought of today’s show. 3 people will get to try out Natural Stacks’ celebrated CILTEP stack for FREE!
You can also get a 15% discount on all natural stacks products by using the coupon code INSPIRE15 on the Natural Stacks website.
Items mentioned:
- The Inspiring Innovation Podcasting Bootcamp (Free, 72 videos course, to build your online presence and audience right now)
- Natural Stacks
- On Twitter: @naturalstacks
- Blog: http://benhebert.com/
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: @ben_herbert
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BenHebert.MBA
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/benhebert
- WhiteRaverRafting.com
- Gary Vaynerchuk
- Shopify
- Gift Card Rescue
- 4 Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
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Continue reading IIP051: Using Word-of-Mouth To Go From Zero To Over $100,000 In Just A Few Months