Let’s Face It – Time To Move On

How an Entrepreneurial Venture Becomes a Success

It’s been a while since my (epic!) “Helllo, World” post, I know.

Actually, i’m not satisfied with myself. Planning to write 100 posts by the end of this year, means that having only one post written by March is somewhat unwanted. But, we are where we are, no point to cry over spilt milk, right? Water under the bridge, etc.

So, the last few weeks have been the peak of an emotional turmoil that I have been going through for a long time. It hits me every evening. The understanding that I did not accomplish anything that is helpful for me. That pushes me towards my goals. Sure, some days I am hyper productive in the eyes of me employer, and perhaps even save him hundreds of thousands of dollars on a REALLY good day, but it stopped affecting me. I’m not exited by saving other people’s world anymore.

The Benefits of Entrepreneurship

Generally speaking, i’m capable of doing something boring for days and weeks in a row – as long as I know that there is a benefit for me in it. It can be merely an intellectual benefit, not necessarily economic one. Actually – I pick interesting, meaningful or teachful (lets just say it’s a word) over well-paying every time. But now, or actually for the last few months, I reached the point where what I do is neither interesting nor challenging. It’s just a routine, mundane routine in a professional field I never liked, in a role I never enjoyed. Only thing i still learn every single day from my colleagues and bosses is internal politics. But, unfortunate as it probably is – that is the one this I despise the most in work environments.

In my core, there is no doubt – I am not made for 9 to 5 jobs. Add the fact that I’m not physically able to sit for many hours – due to some health problems that I might refer to from time to time, and you understand why my soul is 100% entrepreneurial. Actually, I only took my current day job as it was supposed to help funding a new company that I was co-starting, but somehow 2 years have passed by, and I never found the time to start that company. Actually, in these 2 years, I never found the time to start… anything!

I started my current day job to help fund (and find) some passive income.

But seeing that:

  1. I have time for nothing else besides it
  2. I bloody hate it and unable to find fun in it

Let’s face it – maybe it’s time to move on?

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My First Post

Welcome Welcome,

I’ve been planning to start this blog for ages. Actually, this domain is owned by me for almost two years now, if I’m not wrong.

Today, I decided it’s time to change the “Hello World” post, despite my fondness of classics. To do so, I had to figure out what to write on my first post. As it turns out, I know what I want to write on my 5th, 10th and 100th post, but have no clue how to start. As they say – lets start from the beginning.

Who Am I? Why am I doing it? What is this blog for?

Ah, all good questions, I say to myself. OK. I’m a 23 years old man, with kind of crazy life story (well, up till now). I’ll dive into more details in later posts, but as a summary: I left school at age 15 in order to attend college, went through a car accident on my last semester and never returned, and since then started my own business and now I’m a technologies & projects manager for some company whose name I shall not share. Glamour you say? Nah, not really.

As a result of my car accident I’m very limited in amount of hours i’m physically able to sit, so that combined with my entrepreneurial spirit and love of technology naturally drives me to learn the world of passive income. I’ll share the story of how I first heard of this concept on a later post, too. Let’s just say that the “4 Hour Work Week” by T. Ferris sure as hell changed my life.

What is this blog going to be about? Anything, basically. My goals, trials, failures and successes, stuff that I find interesting, stuff that interests me, and stuff that my girlfriend can’t hear about anymore <I do talk a lot about technology :)>. Niche websites, Music, Apps development, Ruby on Rails, Books, Rants – all may live together here.

This is the first post. By the end of 2012 there shall be at least 99 more. Mark my words!

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