Stop Making Excuses

Wow, it’s been a while. So much happened during the last 90 days.

After being disconnected from the Internet for some long time, I knew it’s time to get back writing. But you know that feeling. You must do something, but you can’t find the time? Ever?

Now, I have a million reasons to not write this post. My To-Do list is exploding, this is my day off, and more than anything – I don’t feel like writing.

BUT, as I was watching this video by my good friend Ralph Quintero, I realised that I’m just making excuses. 

So what If I just finished travelling 60,000km in a month and a half, moving from GMT-11 to GMT+7? Is that a reason to procrastinate? Plans change (I’ll update you on that!), timings aren’t always great – so?? Just put the ass on the chair, and get the stuff done. Now! not later!

P.S. Ralph, if this is any consolation for you, some good few years ago I was pacing towards the bus station on my way home from college. I was distracted, and just SLAMMED into a an electric pole. In slammed, I mean the noise was so bad that people walking the street stopped and pointed.

I had a huge bump for some good time afterwards. The silver lining though, was that because I was living in Israel at the time, I just told everybody that a sleepy soldier accidentally turned around and hit me in the head with his M-16 gun. Few months later, this is exactly what happened. Lesson – be careful with what you wish for 🙂

Cute T-shirt I saw in Sydney saying I'm Smiling - Because I have NO IDEA What's going on
Cute T-shirt I saw in Sydney, but very applicable to the minutes after getting hit in the head 🙂

Have a great weekend everybody!

2 thoughts on “Stop Making Excuses”

  1. Thanks for the mention Meron! First off, I’m glad that you are taking MASSIVE action …. Second, it makes me feel slightly better that I wasn’t the only one running into things 😉 It actually happend to Seth Godin today also! I guest great minds do think alike….. LOL!

    1. LOL! Wow, knowing that it happened to Seth too does improve it. I’m proud to be part of an elite group of people that just go places, without caring about the obstacles. It turns out that entrepreneurship can by painful! 😉

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