A Daily Podcast? You Must Be Mad!
September, 2012. John Dumas has just launched the ‘EntrepreneurOnFire’ podcast; the first daily podcast in the niche. Everybody around him thought he’s crazy to think he can pull it off. 214 episodes later – it’s quite clear that he did – and with flying colors.
With over 900,000 unique downloads and over $12,000 monthly income, John is an amazing success.
How did a ‘nobody’ manage to get names like Tim Ferriss, Barbara Corcoran, Gary V, Guy Kawasaki, Danielle LaPorte and others on his show?
How is he monetizing?

What made his podcast so successful?
And why did I send him cookies??!
Tune in for all the answers 🙂
In this episode you will learn:
- How John’s experience as a soldier in Iraq affected the trajectory of his career, especially his podcast today.
- Best lessons John has learned from the most amazing entrepreneurs.
- How to launch, manage and run a successful podcast.
- How to reach Apple’s New & Noteworthy section and get amazing exposure.
- The mentality John Lee Dumas has set on Entrepreneur on Fire that made the daily show possible.
- John’s take on failure, and how he handles it.
- How to open up doors and create opportunities.
- How John managed to get interviews with the most famous entrepreneurs in the world.
- How to monetize a podcast and make a 6 figure business out of it.
- How to get and talk to sponsors, and what should you ask for?
- John’s favorite part of running Entrepreneur on Fire.
Items & people mentioned in this episode include:
- John Dumas: Entrepreneur On Fire (website), Entrepreneur On Fire (iTunes), Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+
- Podcast Launch – A Step by Step Podcasting Guide Including 15 Video Tutorials
- Jaime Tardy
- New Media Expo
- Send Out Cards
- The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
Sharing the love – gratitude for reviews!
My deepest appreciation to all of you (comment or email me if you want to be removed from the list):
- ggroove
- Nick Loper – Side Hustle Nation
- Jason from the Grumpy Old Geeks podcast
Udemy Giveaway Winners!
Here are the lucky ones… If you’re in the list and haven’t received an email from me, please write to me ASAP!
- Entrepreneur Success Series: Jeff Mendelson, Gabi Klaf and Chris Murphy.
- Art Of Less Doing: Gaurav Gurbaxani, Nick Loper and Chris Murphy.
- The 10 Minute Daily Invigorator: Leah, Gabi Klaf, and Chris Murphy (can anyone spot a pattern? LOL).
- Develop iPhone and iPad apps with no programming experience: Glory and Gideon Naude.
Congrats to the winners! I can’t wait to hear your opinion on these courses!
Don’t Miss an Episode! Subscribe Below:
––– http://www.meronbareket.com/feed/podcast/ –––
I Need Your Help!
Thank you all for checking out this episode of the Inspiring Innovation podcast!
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Thank you again for your ongoing support.
Stay awesome,
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links. There is no additional cost to you, and I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.
[spoiler title=”Episode 008″]Still in progress, please come back later![/spoiler]
Thanks so much for the opportunity to be on your show Meron!
It was a BLAST!
~ John Lee Dumas
My pleasure. Thanks for the inspiration! I believe we are now, all, ready to ignite!!
Another great episode Meron, I appreciated the transparency John provided us. I took lots of notes! Left you an iTunes review, hope that helps your show become more noticed.
Will, thank you so much. You are appreciated!!
Have any plans for the weekend?
Hey Meron , how are you ?
Great episode . I so much agree on moving your butt and go to events, meet ups , masterminds ect .
A nobody from the middle of nowhere ( that would be me ) had the chance to have lunch with Dan Andrews and drink beers with Chris Ducker . But , not only that . Both guys gave me their thoughts on my business . And there’s more ! I met a plethora of wonderful people like you and Julie .
You can’t leave these events without having lot of ideas or being motivated or not have made good friends .
These two trips were the best investment I made for quite a while .
So , for everybody that is reading this , get off your computer and start meeting people !
And until we meet again …
Be healthy and smile !
Hey Ilias! I’m still fighting my cold but will prevail 😉
I agree. Going to events, mastermind groups and trade shows makes a world of a difference. Meeting people face to face is nothing like chatting on twitter or even Skype. And I found , just like you, that our ‘Heroes’ are very willing to reach out and help, give an advice or share an opinion.
NMX alone secured me many interviews but more important – created many new true friendships. Friendships that are making a world of difference for me both in having support and a community of like minded friends, and in business advice, connections and relationships. There’s no way to put a price on that!!!
I go away from each one of these meetups with invaluable friends that I could never have met and connect with otherwise. Each one of the trips I made in the last 12 months (Australia (Ed Dale mastermind), Los Angeles (ePub conf), Vegas (NMX) and UK (Chris Ducker’s mastermind)) proved to be crucial to my growing as a person and as a business owner. You are one of this invaluable people that I am very, very happy to have met!
TL:DR; Go to events. It’s crucial to your business and is amazing fun.
Very inspiring and clever. I am hopeful that my own mission to add value and pay it forword with the largest legal services content site will gain traction utilizing your podcaste framework.
Thanks for hosting, I like the tid-bits of advice you sprinkled in about Podcast do’s and don’ts
Thanks for listening! 🙂
I was interview by John, the guy is great. Awesome interview and he knows his stuff…. great show Meron. Well done.
Thanks Gabriel! Both for the kind words and for commenting! Tell me more about you 🙂 Are you into podcasting?