You Will Get All You Want In Life If You Help Other People

Helping Other People

“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want” —Zig Ziglar Click To Tweet

In today’s quote lies the most crucial business lesson of all: Your business MUST help others. It must give VALUE to others.

This is the only way to build a business that will create wealth for you. Don’t start a business that’s about what interests you.

Start a business that helps people with what interests THEM. A business that isn’t addressing need, isn’t solving something in a better way, isn’t targeting a specific pain, passion or need of his target customers, can only compete by lowering its prices. Trust me, that’s a shitty way to do business. I’ve been there too.

So this weekend, take a few minutes and ask yourself – how are you helping your audience? And how can you help them MORE?

Make Your Dreams Come True

Inspirational Photo

You must believe in your ability to make your dreams come true.

Others think it’s impossible. Others prevent themselves from achieving anything extraordinary — by rejecting extraordinary thinking. You are not others.

Thinking is not enough though: You must support it with confidence. Confidence is the fuel that will take you where you want to go. Actions are the accelerator. You are the driver.

You you must have a blind belief in your world-changing abilities.

Despite what all of us in that room thought about magic when we entered it, Roderick got up there with the attitude that he was going to change all our minds. He certainly changed mine.

That’s what it takes to create extraordinary lives: a killer sense of confidence.

The thing is, not all of us were born with it. And those of us who were may have had it beaten out of us by various eras of our lives.

Building Killer Confidence Ain’t Magic | Strong Inside Out

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