Change The Way You Do Business
With us being programmed as go-getters from an early age, what would it take to be a go-giver instead? Does being one really negate the other?
In episode 27 of the Inspiring Innovation Podcast, we are joined by bestselling author Bob Burg, coauthor of the phenomenally successful (and one of my favorite books) “The Go-Giver.”
In this insightful, exclusive one-on-one interview, Bob will show us how nice guys can finish fist – when they follow his 5 laws of stratospheric success.

5 Laws of Stratospheric Success
Bob teaches us through these ancient five laws of success how go-giving will make us valuable and influential, and how these two are the core of creating a healthy income while keeping our customers incredibly happy. We discuss the power of being authentic (and why is it crucial in this day and age), and how does all this come together and work in harmony with the golden rule of business?
Finally, we discuss why you NEED to be a go-giver AND a go-getter, and why these two are not opposing each other, but actually when combined together create the ultimate environment for success.
Discover, learn and be inspired only here at the Inspiring Innovation Podcast – your weekly backstage pass to success.
Episode Highlights:
- The golden rule of business
- Why many nice guys finish last, and how to be a nice guy that finishes first
The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success
What’s a Go-Giver? How does it compare to Go-Getter, and how to be both!
How your income is controlled by the value you give and the money you take
How to make yourself and your product more valuable in a crowded market
Items mentioned in this episode include:
- Website: http://www.burg.com/
- Twitter: @BobBurg
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/burgbob
- Books by Bob Burg:
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea
The Art of Persuasion: Winning Without Intimidation
It’s Not About You: A Little Story About What Matters Most In Business
The Last Prospecting Guide You’ll Ever Need
- John Lee Dumas (Entrepreneur On Fire)
- Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income)
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[spoiler title=”Episode 027″]Still in progress, please come back later![/spoiler]
Another awesome interview! I love how you and Bob differentiated between price and value. I had heard others (specifically Pat Flynn and John Lee Dumas) talk about giving away benefits to everyone, but this was the first time that all the pieces of the puzzles seemed to fall into place. Thanks!
Honored by the mention..and what a great interview…thx Meron!
This is another amazing podcast, Meron, I’m lagging behind a bit but I’m catching up on them. I’m definitely going to be buying Go-giver. So many things Bob said resonated with me. It falls into the category of “things you always knew which true but have never managed to word it so succinctly”.
We’ll know that we should give away value for free with our websites and podcasts, etc. And I have been doing that. But Bob’s message is to put your focus on the other person and have that central to what you do. I think that is powerful. And spiritual as well!